Classical Education’s
Thriving Counterculture
Just before Christmas 2024, our school was blessed to host special visitor Mark Bauerlein, professor-emeritus of literature at Emory University and Senior Editor at First Things magazine. He spent a full day with us: attending our classes, lunching with our students, and praying with our whole community. He liked what he saw, which he wrote up in a beautiful profile for the journal Modern Age. Read his essay to learn why "there should be more schools like Cardinal Kung Academy," and consider reaching out to learn how you can partner with us to advance classical education in the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Two CKA Seniors to
West Point
Any high-school principal will tell you it’s a big deal when a graduating senior is accepted by the U.S. Military Academy. Getting two kids from the same high school in the same year into West Point is rare enough that in most American towns it would be front-page news. Two kids from the same high school in the same year out of a graduating class of fewer than two dozen? Stop the presses.
CKA Celebrates Saints
in Two Families!
As Catholics throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport celebrated All Saints Day on November 1st, the students and families of Cardinal Kung Academy had special reason to celebrate: two of the high school students have canonized relatives.
Cardinal Kung Academy Announces Appointment of New Principal
MAY 4, 2021: The Cardinal Kung Academy Board of Directors is delighted to announce that Dr. Alexander B. Miller will be joining Cardinal Kung Academy as its new principal effective July 1, 2021.
Dr. Miller comes to us from Fordham University, where he teaches courses in Biblical Studies. He previously taught courses in Classics, Philosophy, and Theology at Notre Dame University, Fordham University, St. John’s University, and SUNY Purchase. Dr. Miller is excited to advance the renaissance of classical Catholic education here at Cardinal Kung Academy.
Dr. Miller graduated magna cum laude with a double-major in Philosophy and Theology from Georgetown University. He earned an MA in Early Christian Studies from the University of Notre Dame and an MA in Christian Near Eastern Studies from The Catholic University of America with a major in Syriac and minor in Coptic. His PhD in Theology is from Fordham University, where he specialized in patristic theology.
Dr. Miller is an active member of the Knights of Columbus at Saints John and Paul Parish in Larchmont. He lives in Westchester County, NY with his wife and two children. Dr. Miller will be succeeding Barbara Logsdail, our beloved founder, board member, and first principal. Barbara will remain as an active board member of Cardinal Kung Academy.