
School Dance Committee

The student committee plans and executes dances of various themes throughout the year!


The ARK Art Club

The art club is led by Mr. Wolynetz and meets during school, after school, and sometimes on weekends! The club is currently preparing for their first Art Show on Friday, May 31. Follow the club on Instagram @cardinalkung_ark_artclub


Literary Magazine

“Kunglomerate” Literary Magazine is a student-initiated club that publishes a magazine twice a year with works by students. View the first issue here!

Chess Club

Chess Club is led by Mr. Padilla and meets every other Friday during fifth and sixth periods to hone strategies and practice games against fellow students. The club participates in tournaments against other schools.


Outreach Ministry

Mother Teresa Outreach Ministry is a student-run group dedicated to corporal works of mercy. Outreach projects include Thanksgiving turkey drives for local food banks, Boxes of Joy initiatives, winter coat drives, baby shower gifts for pro-life ministries and more.

Spirit Club

New for the 2023-2024 school year, the Spirit Club organizes many successful school-wide events, such as International Night, the Powder Puff Game, Rake ‘N Bake, pancake breakfasts, and themed dress down days!

Student Government

The Student Government, currently supervised by Mrs. Galasso, comprises student leaders from each class. Students vote for officials to establish roles and organize events and initiatives to serve the needs of the school community.

Yearbook Committee

Led by upper classmen, the members of the Yearbook Committee take photos at school events all year long and work together to compile the yearbook to be a cherished keepsake - full of great memories!